
Worked for a small company (5 or 6 employees) and was classified as 1099, help me figure out if I should submit a form to IRS to see if I was W2?

I worked for a small company which I won’t disclose the industry for anonymity sake. I was hired to do “production and social media” for this business in which the owner did not disclose it would be a 1099 job in the interview. After I was hired they had me fill out a 1099 form and after saying I would need a couple days to look it over as I had never filed this type of form they assured me it was, “just for tax purposes” and “not to worry”. After I filed out the form and turned it in, they paid me via Venmo every two weeks for my work without taxes taken out. The work was used with their software, at one location with one person looking over me that I worked with. The hours I came in were determined by me but it was important I came…

I worked for a small company which I won’t disclose the industry for anonymity sake. I was hired to do “production and social media” for this business in which the owner did not disclose it would be a 1099 job in the interview. After I was hired they had me fill out a 1099 form and after saying I would need a couple days to look it over as I had never filed this type of form they assured me it was, “just for tax purposes” and “not to worry”. After I filed out the form and turned it in, they paid me via Venmo every two weeks for my work without taxes taken out. The work was used with their software, at one location with one person looking over me that I worked with. The hours I came in were determined by me but it was important I came in daily, just the specific hours differentiated. If I did not come in daily there was pressure/conflict. They would repeatedly text me outside of business hours and expect a response, even sending out an email stating I was required to reply during business hours (8:30am-5pm) I’m worried about my tax obligation next year and wondering what my options are. Any advice is appreciated.

EDIT: I have saved all of our correspondence and have specific instances of being told exactly what needs to be done and how, this kind of makes me think it should be W2 but I don’t know if I have enough information/evidence and I’m a little worried about retaliation because although I don’t work for this company anymore they still ask I come in every once in a while.

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