
Workers at my office are giving in to the managers’ bullshit

This week, we had a mandatory all-staff meeting, which is not strange. We have them every month. The strange part this month is that it was our first in person all-staff meeting since COVID. That alone is questionable as we regularly get alerts that people are testing positive for COVID still. Then, they tell us it's a potluck. A mandatory $5 donation OR you can bring food. Now, this was presented to us as managers making us lunch originally. So, we have to go and we have to pay the managers for making us lunch. Then, the day before the meeting, I find out that we will not be discussing work at all. It's a mandatory social event that we are paying for. After the event, many of my coworkers have been kissing ass to the managers about it. Saying thank you for such a wonderful event. This rubs me…

This week, we had a mandatory all-staff meeting, which is not strange. We have them every month. The strange part this month is that it was our first in person all-staff meeting since COVID. That alone is questionable as we regularly get alerts that people are testing positive for COVID still.

Then, they tell us it's a potluck. A mandatory $5 donation OR you can bring food. Now, this was presented to us as managers making us lunch originally. So, we have to go and we have to pay the managers for making us lunch.

Then, the day before the meeting, I find out that we will not be discussing work at all. It's a mandatory social event that we are paying for.

After the event, many of my coworkers have been kissing ass to the managers about it. Saying thank you for such a wonderful event.

This rubs me all sorts of the wrong way.

Someone else here posted about how silly it is that workers would be appeased by something like a bag of candy. Well, my coworkers are being appeased by buying their own lunch and thanking the managers for it.

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