
Workers becoming the owners?

This is my first post on anti-work, so please forgive if it seems too capitalist. When I worked as an HVAC technician (on “stress leave” at the moment), I would often hear colleagues talk about “going on their own.” The main reasons were the typical “don’t get paid enough” to “I hate the crappy jobs we get,” and while some did leave to start their own businesses, most didn’t because of the uncertainty of income generation and they didn’t want the responsibilities of ownership. After commenting on a few posts here and talking with a couple trust colleagues, I got the idea of maybe starting a company where the workers called the shots. Without getting into too much legal details, the company would be wholly owned by a trust, and all eligible employees (those who work for a certain time period) would get a unit in the trust. Wages would…

This is my first post on anti-work, so please forgive if it seems too capitalist.

When I worked as an HVAC technician (on “stress leave” at the moment), I would often hear colleagues talk about “going on their own.” The main reasons were the typical “don’t get paid enough” to “I hate the crappy jobs we get,” and while some did leave to start their own businesses, most didn’t because of the uncertainty of income generation and they didn’t want the responsibilities of ownership.

After commenting on a few posts here and talking with a couple trust colleagues, I got the idea of maybe starting a company where the workers called the shots. Without getting into too much legal details, the company would be wholly owned by a trust, and all eligible employees (those who work for a certain time period) would get a unit in the trust. Wages would be set based on industry standards and, once or twice a year, company profits would be distributed to the unit holders. Also, the unit holders would be able to vote and direct the trustees on how to operate the company, how much profit should be distributed, and other company policies.

Would such a company be inline with anti-work principles or is it just capitalism with extra steps? Also, do you guys thing that office and management should be included in the profit/decision sharing as well, or should they be excluded and given fixed salaries? I would lean to they should be included, but maybe have a smaller cut? I haven’t figured out that part yet.

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