
Workers United

Just a total heads up on this specific union. My company has been handling its employees very poorly to the point that we ( like many others here) got incredibly frustrated and decided to unionize. It took us awhile to find someone to represent us as there isn’t yet a particular group in our business that has unionized and we are in a state famous for not liking unions. Yeehaw. We found it incredibly difficult to get anyone to even return a phone call. But finally we got ahold of workers United. The same union that’s representing a lot of these Starbucks that are getting busted. We had a virtual meeting with a representative and everyone on our team that we believe are yea votes. Had we been able to vote in that video call (yes that not how it works) we would have had far more than enough to…

Just a total heads up on this specific union. My company has been handling its employees very poorly to the point that we ( like many others here) got incredibly frustrated and decided to unionize. It took us awhile to find someone to represent us as there isn’t yet a particular group in our business that has unionized and we are in a state famous for not liking unions. Yeehaw. We found it incredibly difficult to get anyone to even return a phone call. But finally we got ahold of workers United. The same union that’s representing a lot of these Starbucks that are getting busted. We had a virtual meeting with a representative and everyone on our team that we believe are yea votes. Had we been able to vote in that video call (yes that not how it works) we would have had far more than enough to unionize. But Jean wanted as many people in our specific store as we could get. We’re talking like only 4 eligible employees left to try and get on board 2 of which have since left as planned since their students, before she would even send us union cards to sign and send back. She wanted us to try and get them on board still and we’d talk again in a week or so. We did just that and got two people who would be leaving anyways in on the union. The other two were getting some preferential treatment and said they didn’t wanna join but would keep it quiet as they respected us and they have. Well keep in mind I said earlier it was hard to get these representatives to even return phone calls. Well the week after our initial virtual meeting came and went and despite numerous times of reaching out we haven’t heard back. Well work conditions are still basically in free fall and the management really seems to either not give two shits or is totally oblivious to the issues despite them being pointed out regularly. Well a few days back after having yet another overloaded and burned out day the guy leading our efforts tried reaching out yet again to Jean from WU and got a return message of due to us not communicating with them they have decided they are no longer interested in representing us. Which has completely demoralized everyone. The attitudes of everyone is complete shit. The workloads are just getting worse. Our good employees are leaving now. Profits and reviews are plummeting to the point that now it’s gonna start affecting managers bonuses, which will only make things worse. I think workers United probably has their hands full dealing with not having been able to do Jack shit for the Starbucks employees but whatever the cause may be just know that they’re handling people about as well as some of these shitty managers and business are.

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