
Workers who receive texts from employers on their off time should be paid accordingly…

When an employer communicates or attempts to do so with a worker they are, in essence, committing wage theft. Workers on their off time are on their own private time and have no duty to communicate with an employer during that period. For an employer to intrude on a worker's personal time like that is offensive when the worker is not paid accordingly. Of course, I can hear the chorus of corporate apologists singing all the reasons why they have the rights to intrude into their employees' private lives like this, but I do not agree. As I see it, workers need to know all the ways their employers fuck them over, and this is another example. Yes, it's but a few second, but that adds up…and just try to take a few seconds when you work at an Amashit Warehouse…a few seconds matter to them like it's a federal…

When an employer communicates or attempts to do so with a worker they are, in essence, committing wage theft. Workers on their off time are on their own private time and have no duty to communicate with an employer during that period. For an employer to intrude on a worker's personal time like that is offensive when the worker is not paid accordingly.

Of course, I can hear the chorus of corporate apologists singing all the reasons why they have the rights to intrude into their employees' private lives like this, but I do not agree. As I see it, workers need to know all the ways their employers fuck them over, and this is another example. Yes, it's but a few second, but that adds up…and just try to take a few seconds when you work at an Amashit Warehouse…a few seconds matter to them like it's a federal offense.

I see a lot of these people posting screenshots of bosses bothering them on their off time. I'd not even give them a SMS-capable number, but absent that, I recommend to peeps to ignore them…fuck them…it's your off time and ignore their cries for help…they have the money, they can solve whatever issue it is, and surely this is the case.


Lame ass boss: um, yeah…we're going to need you to go ahead and come in tomorrow…on your day off…

Exploited Worker (you) (Case one): crickets

Exploited Worker (you) (Case two): Am I being paid for this time to communicate about company business on my off time?

Lame ass boss: yeah…no, that's not some thing we do…

Exploited Worker: crickets

Lame ass boss: ???

Anyhow, you get my point. And how much time are these criminals stealing from workers with this? Seconds across millions of people add up to lots of money.

Posted since this is consistent with the “Antiwork” philosophy. Thank you.

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