
Working as a Newspaper delivery person SUCKS

I wake up early, like at 3 a.m. go to the distribution center get the papers and deliver them that sounds like a straight forward job then get paid. No I am an independent contractor I am buying the papers from the newspaper and selling it to the customers or something like that. Some of the customers still pay by check so I have to go collect from them. Also if I miss one house I get docked one dollar and they said if I quit without giving a months notice they will sue me.

I wake up early, like at 3 a.m. go to the distribution center get the papers and deliver them that sounds like a straight forward job then get paid. No I am an independent contractor I am buying the papers from the newspaper and selling it to the customers or something like that. Some of the customers still pay by check so I have to go collect from them. Also if I miss one house I get docked one dollar and they said if I quit without giving a months notice they will sue me.

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