
Working fatality insurance claims

This was about 7-8 years ago when I worked for Safelite on the insurance claims side (yes, they take claims on behalf of quite a few companies) I had taken only 2 fatality claims but they'll stick with me just because how they both had to be handled. I quit shortly after. One of them was an older lady calling in because her husband had committed sucide via a shooting to the head. This poor woman had called this in *3 other times because our system didn't want to accept it and wouldn't notify us until everything was filled out. She had to repeat every detail over and over again and I could just hear her heart breaking the entire time. There was blood everywhere with brain and skull fragments all around the room. And of course he didn't seem like he was going to before hand so there's that…

This was about 7-8 years ago when I worked for Safelite on the insurance claims side (yes, they take claims on behalf of quite a few companies)

I had taken only 2 fatality claims but they'll stick with me just because how they both had to be handled. I quit shortly after.

One of them was an older lady calling in because her husband had committed sucide via a shooting to the head. This poor woman had called this in *3 other times because our system didn't want to accept it and wouldn't notify us until everything was filled out. She had to repeat every detail over and over again and I could just hear her heart breaking the entire time. There was blood everywhere with brain and skull fragments all around the room. And of course he didn't seem like he was going to before hand so there's that extra layer of depression.

Well, at the end of the claim my system didn't want to take it either but it was still there as long as I didn't exit out. I told the woman that it didn't go through but I wasn't going to make her go through that again and I'd make sure it got to the right department no matter what. She was of course frustrated that it didn't go through but was extremely grateful that she wouldn't have to go through that again. It took me awhile to find the correct department but I was finally able to and verbally transfer all of the information over. I called her back with the correct contact information and claim number. I told my manager as soon as I was done because technically I wasn't supposed to be filing claims on someone's behalf but I refused to let it count against me due to the circumstances.

Second one was an insurance agent calling on behalf of his client as his client was the deceased. He had died burning alive in his car. I asked for general information like his date of birth, address, etc. The insurance agent, who's supposed to be used to filing claims, gets an attitude and asks “why? He's dead.” I tell him we need it so we can verify it in the system and complete the claim. I pass along the information to my supervisor since this pissed me off as well.

I quit a few months after. Fuck dealing with that type of bullshit.

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