
Working for $50 a day currently while i organize this dude’s automotive shop/warehouse

Not much more to say about being shortchanged. I started working for this shop and it's been a pain. Sometimes we start at 8 and finish at 7. Some days it's 10-2:30. Minimum wage is 7.25 and this is under the table $50 bc bossman knows it's fucked up. I stacked a whole fucking wall of tires yesterday and im sore. Yet i am also so poor i can't even afford anything to show gainful employment. Unfortunately my brother is my ride to work and gets $75. I know im getting shafted hard through the smiles and promises of commission on parts that get liquidated. I hate being so poor that i can't even get myself to a better opportunity even though I'm capable of more than my means. I'm American for reference. OSHA would be pissed if they saw what we did on a daily basis i thought small…

Not much more to say about being shortchanged. I started working for this shop and it's been a pain. Sometimes we start at 8 and finish at 7. Some days it's 10-2:30. Minimum wage is 7.25 and this is under the table $50 bc bossman knows it's fucked up. I stacked a whole fucking wall of tires yesterday and im sore. Yet i am also so poor i can't even afford anything to show gainful employment. Unfortunately my brother is my ride to work and gets $75. I know im getting shafted hard through the smiles and promises of commission on parts that get liquidated. I hate being so poor that i can't even get myself to a better opportunity even though I'm capable of more than my means. I'm American for reference. OSHA would be pissed if they saw what we did on a daily basis i thought small businesses were supposed to be better for employees. Super wrong on that assumption.

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