
Working hard doesn’t usually equal to success and people should understand that

I'm 24 F and can't work hard like others (my brother works 24/7) due to my disability (I have severe mental health issues) and rely on my parents. Thankfully, I have a financial stable family and can provide for me. I do have a starter gig going that pays me about $70 a month for 6 hours of work a day (I live in India so it's normal pay. Most people who earn that much live on the streets but I can live with my parents). However, my mother constantly keeps calling me “lazy” and goes “look at xyz (names a privileged celebrity born in royal family) and how hard she works to get there” just bc she sees an interview with them saying that they are hard working and earned their money. The other day I asked for a little privacy from my mother and she goes “do you…

I'm 24 F and can't work hard like others (my brother works 24/7) due to my disability (I have severe mental health issues) and rely on my parents. Thankfully, I have a financial stable family and can provide for me.

I do have a starter gig going that pays me about $70 a month for 6 hours of work a day (I live in India so it's normal pay. Most people who earn that much live on the streets but I can live with my parents).

However, my mother constantly keeps calling me “lazy” and goes “look at xyz (names a privileged celebrity born in royal family) and how hard she works to get there” just bc she sees an interview with them saying that they are hard working and earned their money.

The other day I asked for a little privacy from my mother and she goes “do you think you are special doing a avg job? Are you insert celebrity name to deserve privacy? ” As if no one deserves anything unless they are rich.

I'm sick of people equating hard work with success. A lot of people in my country work harder than the average American and earn 10 times less. The standard of living is total shit and people have no work life balance. You have to work 24/7 in a skilled job just for $400 a month and that doesn't even cover the rent. That's the above average btw.

There are these wanna kim Kardashian celebrities here who don't understand the plight of normal people and keep saying how hard they work and how they struggle too so us peasants are just lazy. I'm sick of it.

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