
Working in a church is hell

I do not attend this church as a member and the job is only 10 hours a week. I highly advise anyone who is looking for a job at a church as an administrative assistant to think twice. Since I am not affiliated with the church at all, I am looked down on as unholy. This started week one. I was asked if I attend another church to which I felt obligated to answer “yes”. In reality, I rarely go. I work in the office two days a week. Everyone else working there is voluntary. I am paid. Because of this, I am considered taking money from the “general fund” of the church and out of the pockets of the people who come worship. I have overheard many comments in the halls about how members volunteer their time and I don't. Last month, I started working in the nursery. I…

I do not attend this church as a member and the job is only 10 hours a week. I highly advise anyone who is looking for a job at a church as an administrative assistant to think twice.

Since I am not affiliated with the church at all, I am looked down on as unholy. This started week one. I was asked if I attend another church to which I felt obligated to answer “yes”. In reality, I rarely go.

I work in the office two days a week. Everyone else working there is voluntary. I am paid. Because of this, I am considered taking money from the “general fund” of the church and out of the pockets of the people who come worship. I have overheard many comments in the halls about how members volunteer their time and I don't.

Last month, I started working in the nursery. I was told they were desperate for a nursery worker. The pay is $50 for one hour so I did this. Bad decision because if you say a child misbehaved at all during child care, you have no right to do so since you're not a member and “don't believe in God.”.

I have tried to ignore this. However, my personal cell number has now been posted in the directory. I have been receiving calls and texts on my days off (at all hours) to please come in and make a flyer the next time. Please go pick up paper. One specific text asked me where the mail was and if I had gotten it the following week because someone didn't receive a letter so that was on me. I now have over 5 people texting me while I am off.

Which brings me to my boss. The Pastor is actually younger than me and has one foot out the door. He is getting his Doctorate in Psychology. When he comes in, he brings his dog and I am watching his dog (puppy) while he does schoolwork. The dog is usually ripping through garbage and tearing up the church. I chase the dog through the office and get nothing done.

Last Sunday during childcare, I was actually smacked in the head with a soccer ball by a 13 year old while trying to comfort a crying 9 month old baby. I couldn't yell at the kid because his mom would have yelled at me or gone to the Pastor.

Today, I will give my resignation. Then, I'm sure I will be flooded with more texts and “thoughts and prayers.”.

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