
Working in a toxic environment

I work in a factory in my local hometown and nearly everyone here is extremely toxic, just all caught up in drama, whatever, problem is a lot of these people don’t like me and when I try to talk to them they seem very off put by me, I’m not rude or dirty or any of those things I just am friendly, I however don’t like drama and for a while sort of decided to be a lone wolf at work and now they just treat me pretty badly, what is a solution to this problem, I don’t know any local jobs that can match my pay, but I can’t stand coming in to work being the black sheep everyday when all I really wanna do is just come in, have some good conversations then go home, I tried flipping my reputation around but once people have made their mind…

I work in a factory in my local hometown and nearly everyone here is extremely toxic, just all caught up in drama, whatever, problem is a lot of these people don’t like me and when I try to talk to them they seem very off put by me, I’m not rude or dirty or any of those things I just am friendly, I however don’t like drama and for a while sort of decided to be a lone wolf at work and now they just treat me pretty badly, what is a solution to this problem, I don’t know any local jobs that can match my pay, but I can’t stand coming in to work being the black sheep everyday when all I really wanna do is just come in, have some good conversations then go home, I tried flipping my reputation around but once people have made their mind up about you it makes it fairly hard to break that mold, I’m currently in the process of going from nights to days but I don’t think that will make much of a difference in the long run.

So what do I do? I’m sorry if this isn’t the sub but it feels very anti work like due to the fact that I’m miserable and don’t want to be here, even as far as to say I’ve been depressed over it

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