
Working in Japan: Use the Labour Office.

I used to work for an Eikaiwa (English tutoring school) in Hokkaido, they preyed on naive foreigners coming to Japan to teach English. I however was not new to this and when I saw the “contract” the boss wanted me to sign I gleefully signed it, knowing full well it was illegal as shit. Fast forward a few months and the legally binding rules for holiday pay come into play. I say the dates I want off, boss says no, I'm not entitled to it as per my contract. Pull out the printed copy of Japanese labour law in both English and Japanese. Highlighted the section where it outlines my rights. She contests, goes ballistic, I'm filming everything with my phone in my top pocket. Single consent law. Immediately go to the labour office, they side with me, assign me a case worker, tell me if the boss causes anymore…

I used to work for an Eikaiwa (English tutoring school) in Hokkaido, they preyed on naive foreigners coming to Japan to teach English.

I however was not new to this and when I saw the “contract” the boss wanted me to sign I gleefully signed it, knowing full well it was illegal as shit.

Fast forward a few months and the legally binding rules for holiday pay come into play. I say the dates I want off, boss says no, I'm not entitled to it as per my contract. Pull out the printed copy of Japanese labour law in both English and Japanese. Highlighted the section where it outlines my rights.

She contests, goes ballistic, I'm filming everything with my phone in my top pocket. Single consent law.

Immediately go to the labour office, they side with me, assign me a case worker, tell me if the boss causes anymore problems give her that card. I also get a pro-bono lawyer who was super nice and confirmed the laws to me and gave me his card.

Few days later again tell the boss the days I'm taking off, she again goes ballistic. I show her the 2 cards, she goes visibly pale seeing the official labour office card and paperwork it's stapled to. I learned it's not her first run in with them and she's on thin ice.

I get my time off. I then quit.

Fuck them.

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