
Working me more than 8 hours can be dangerous.

Everyone has their limits — mine is 8 hours. If I work beyond 8 hours, I get cranky. Over 9 hours, I get irritable and somewhat unbearable to be around. Over 10 hours and onward, I begin seriously contemplating acts of violence, and my overall judgment is impaired. I know, I know, some people work like 12+ hours daily and think 8 hours is cakewalk. Cool. You do you. That ain’t me. Not all of us got the same energy levels. Hell, if you DON’T think 8 hours is a lot of time to spend on labor, are you even human? Asking out of concern. I signed up for an income so I can live independently. I did NOT sign up for being worked into utter exhaustion and frustration, and quite frankly, I refuse to do that much just so I can live comfortably.

Everyone has their limits — mine is 8 hours.

If I work beyond 8 hours, I get cranky. Over 9 hours, I get irritable and somewhat unbearable to be around. Over 10 hours and onward, I begin seriously contemplating acts of violence, and my overall judgment is impaired.

I know, I know, some people work like 12+ hours daily and think 8 hours is cakewalk.

Cool. You do you. That ain’t me.

Not all of us got the same energy levels. Hell, if you DON’T think 8 hours is a lot of time to spend on labor, are you even human? Asking out of concern.

I signed up for an income so I can live independently.

I did NOT sign up for being worked into utter exhaustion and frustration, and quite frankly, I refuse to do that much just so I can live comfortably.

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