
working minimum wage in chain fast food t-t

in some sense i'd consider myself lucky to have my job working minimum wage in chain fast food. i'm 17, in high school, and basically had like zero job experience when i got hired. most of my coworkers are like genuinely some of the most sincere people, and they're like the only reason why i haven't quit my job and i'm actually going to miss them when i move to college in 3 months. every other aspect of my job though…absolutely terrible. (a) i got sexually harassed by someone at my work and felt like there was nobody to talk to about it because like i'd just lose my job if i said something. he also lied to me and emotionally manipulated me because he was so “nice” and he “didn't mean it” and apologise for everything but still like what the fuck excuse me sir you're in your mid-twenties,…

in some sense i'd consider myself lucky to have my job working minimum wage in chain fast food. i'm 17, in high school, and basically had like zero job experience when i got hired. most of my coworkers are like genuinely some of the most sincere people, and they're like the only reason why i haven't quit my job and i'm actually going to miss them when i move to college in 3 months.

every other aspect of my job though…absolutely terrible.

(a) i got sexually harassed by someone at my work and felt like there was nobody to talk to about it because like i'd just lose my job if i said something. he also lied to me and emotionally manipulated me because he was so “nice” and he “didn't mean it” and apologise for everything but still like what the fuck excuse me sir you're in your mid-twenties, i'm 17, and this shit should not be happening. (like this man does not deserve any credit, but he listened to me having like multiple meltdowns about being sexually harassed and publicly shamed by a teacher in school. and he was the only person who i thought really understood. so yeah in my dumb, stupid trauma brain i made up ludicrous excuses for his actions and basically gaslight myself into thinking it was ok because he was “nice” to my face and “listened.”) like thank the fuck he was fired though (it was for other reasons tho)

(b) i found out that another different coworker (genuinely a really nice person! none of this is his fault) is getting paid 0.5 usd more per hour than me. we work the same exact role. he's a guy. i'm a girl.

(c) i'm always getting yelled at by someone. genuinely have so many stories about this. karens, teens in large groups, that one racist guy who thought i couldn't speak english even tho i asked him “how may i help you?” in english.

(d) my store decided that they were going to stay open until later because like why not. idk why but anyways so i guess i can't go home until like 10:30pm basically even tho i also have to go to school and do homework. honestly like this isn't even the worst for me, i can only imagine how actually bad this is for my coworkers who have to wake up really early. (my school starts at like 9:00am.) and like this is genuinely a real nightmare for those who are stuck working opening shifts the following day. going home at 10:30pm and then having to be at work by 6:00am is not sustainable.

(e) when someone else doesn't do the work they're supposed to do, it becomes my responsibility. why am i being asked to do extra work if i'm not being paid more for it? like if someone can't sweep properly, they should learn. it shouldn't be my responsibility. if someone refuses to manage the front and they're the only cashier, it becomes my responsibility to. it's tiring and i'm also a full time student. also i hate being told to rush and operate at max efficiency so i can leave and technically be paid less time. i'm not a machine! oh right and also i forgot to mention the times where i'm literally been asked to stay later (sometimes i get paid for it, and sometimes it's after i clocked out and i'm just expected to do the thing when i'm off the clock)

i really feel like i don't get paid enough (minimum wage) to deal with all this. i'm seriously tired and excited to quit for when i go to college. and like if i'm tired of this, it must be significantly worse for those who work full time and actually have to support themselves and their families. i don't think i really understood how terrible it is to work minimum wage before this job. and i think part of me still doesn't even fully get it because i'm a high school student who is lucky enough to live at home with their parents and not have to like actually make a living off this job.

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