
Working retail made me lose faith in humanity

I work as a cashier/bagger at a grocery store. And will say for the past 11 months, my faith in humanity has decreased. Besides my 7 managers treating me like crap, it's also the customers' fault 1.) The customers will ask “Are you open?” mean while my light is on, my lanes belt is on, i'm behind the register with my screens on I'm like in my head “well it sure looks like it” 2.) The customers go into lanes with only 5 items or less. I mean we have self check out for a reason. You would, the reader, would honestly think that this is a blessing. But nope it's a curse. These customers tend to just be annoying and rather lazy 3.) Then their are the customers who are lazy. They will literally watch the other side of my lane fill up with groceries and me having to…

I work as a cashier/bagger at a grocery store.

And will say for the past 11 months, my faith in humanity has decreased.

Besides my 7 managers treating me like crap, it's also the customers' fault

1.) The customers will ask “Are you open?” mean while my light is on, my lanes belt is on, i'm behind the register with my screens on I'm like in my head “well it sure looks like it”

2.) The customers go into lanes with only 5 items or less. I mean we have self check out for a reason.

You would, the reader, would honestly think that this is a blessing. But nope it's a curse. These customers tend to just be annoying and rather lazy

3.) Then their are the customers who are lazy. They will literally watch the other side of my lane fill up with groceries and me having to go back and forth and bag their groceries, than to do it themselves.

And then they get angry if a glass thing breaks, like pasta sauce, and it goes everywhere, making them having to go get another one.

4.) Then their are the customers who don't know how to work the card machine to purchase the groceries. They get angry about the machine not accepting their card, even though they shove their cards into the machine, so of course it's not going to read

Or they'll complain on what to do next when the screen of the machine clearly tells them what to do. And they'll get angry if they press cancel instead of no cashback because they refuse to actually read.

Or they'll get angry over the 50 cents they have to pay to get cashback, even though it's the same thing as you would do it over at a bank. And they'll ask “How long has this been in place?” It's literally been a decade since this happened

And i'm just going to say it, if you can't afford to pay the 50 cents for cashback, maybe you shouldn't get cashback or even be at the store as clearly there's something in your life that you need that extra 50 cents for


And there are just many more instances but you get the gist

I just can't help to think that maybe humanity is doomed because of our laziness and stupidity

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