
working sick

Happy holidays everyone my boss has been making everyone who is sick come in to work anyways. Even people who had covid. My Assistant manager had covid like a week ago and still comes into work without a mask. He got two or more people sick. Then everyone got a cold and it was probably the worst cold variation so far. How are we expected to get better if we’re coming into work sick? And how are we supposed to prevent spreading stuff if we are coming in sick anyways? Why do only certain people get to call out? I tried leaving early this past monday because i have bronchitis, but i still came into work cuz i knew my boss would throw me under the bus or demote me from my new promotion. She came up to me after i had told one our coworkers/bookkeeper that I would like…

Happy holidays everyone my boss has been making everyone who is sick come in to work anyways. Even people who had covid. My Assistant manager had covid like a week ago and still comes into work without a mask. He got two or more people sick. Then everyone got a cold and it was probably the worst cold variation so far. How are we expected to get better if we’re coming into work sick? And how are we supposed to prevent spreading stuff if we are coming in sick anyways? Why do only certain people get to call out?

I tried leaving early this past monday because i have bronchitis, but i still came into work cuz i knew my boss would throw me under the bus or demote me from my new promotion. She came up to me after i had told one our coworkers/bookkeeper that I would like to leave early as i’m not feeling well and we should send the new guy home too because i’m not well enough to train anyone right now.

She came up and was like, “I heard you were trying to leave early without telling me?” Like i tried calling for you and your backup, no one came or called me back. I had missed my lunch break completely. I just stayed the whole day anyway cuz she was being rude about me being sick. She could hear me losing my voice too from all the talking and my lung infection. At least i’m feeling better now on thursday but I should’ve been out most of the week recovering as i had a LITERAL LUNG INFECTION.

I’m so sick of my place of work, they don’t care about their employees, only profits and themselves as management. I want to quit but i don’t know where else i could use my skills for the same promised pay. (With my new promotion i should be making up to $23 an hour) But i don’t even know if i’m going to see that raise anytime soon.

what do my antiwork homies think i should do?

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