
Working too hard undermine everybody in your team.

This is just a quick rant about my coworker who is a workaholic. I hope you guys can learn from it and hopefully have cautions in hiring these people into your team. One of my colleagues in the team is young, competent, and extremely hard-working. While it sounds like the perfect candidate to hire, I think it ultimately ruined the culture and the work life balance that we had in our team. We are working in a delivery team with a clear service level agreement and expectation of what to deliver to our clients. All pretty reasonable to be honest, as we normally put some buffers in our estimates to set a standardized expectation for our clients and to avoid burning out our team. However, this changes when the new hire start answering requests at 2am and doing work over the weekend all unpaid. The next thing you know, management…

This is just a quick rant about my coworker who is a workaholic. I hope you guys can learn from it and hopefully have cautions in hiring these people into your team.

One of my colleagues in the team is young, competent, and extremely hard-working. While it sounds like the perfect candidate to hire, I think it ultimately ruined the culture and the work life balance that we had in our team.

We are working in a delivery team with a clear service level agreement and expectation of what to deliver to our clients. All pretty reasonable to be honest, as we normally put some buffers in our estimates to set a standardized expectation for our clients and to avoid burning out our team.

However, this changes when the new hire start answering requests at 2am and doing work over the weekend all unpaid. The next thing you know, management and clients now have different expectations and expect more from everyone while paying less or the same. Our individual performance review cycle suffered while the new hire is getting stellar reviews.

While there's an element of management issue here, we can't expect them to keep our best interest in mind. So please don't be that guy who ruined it for everyone.

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