
Workplace raises to give coworker a raise, despite they give their effort regardless of role

We got into a discussion earlier last week about how my coworker has been pushing for raise despite being there for quite a long time. They tell me that they have gone out of their way to cover shifts that people call out for/never show up for. They are always picking up the slack and going as far as taking on manager-related responsibilities, despite they are not being paid for it. The topic then came up….they talked about someone who had been fired, but was able to come back. How they are making more than them! Now, we are talking pay rates. One coworker says, “you shouldn’t discuss your pay rates. It’s not something you should do.” I interject, “You should always discuss your pay rates. This is exactly why you should.” I was just hired on for less than three months ago and I told them both… I am…

We got into a discussion earlier last week about how my coworker has been pushing for raise despite being there for quite a long time. They tell me that they have gone out of their way to cover shifts that people call out for/never show up for. They are always picking up the slack and going as far as taking on manager-related responsibilities, despite they are not being paid for it.

The topic then came up….they talked about someone who had been fired, but was able to come back. How they are making more than them! Now, we are talking pay rates. One coworker says, “you shouldn’t discuss your pay rates. It’s not something you should do.”

I interject, “You should always discuss your pay rates. This is exactly why you should.” I was just hired on for less than three months ago and I told them both… I am making two dollars more than them!

My coworker was furious! And I do not blame them. Thanks to this page, when I had my interview, I knew what to say and I carried that in. I established that I knew my worth and I put it on the table. I told my coworker they needs to do the same or threaten to walk! There are plenty of jobs who would pay them more with their abilities and skills now.

Hope to see them get what they want. He deserves it.

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