
Workplace won’t approve RTO request (Should I quit?)

I currently am a college student working a part time retail sales job. I requested a month and a half out in advance that I need 5 days off, 3 of which are to go to a long time family friend's wedding, and 2 of which are for days where I need to take exams for my classes. I submitted my RTO request and my manager says she cant approve it because they do not have enough coverage in the store to support it. I enjoy working there, its a pretty good part time college gig, but I'm kinda fed up with the monotonous nature of the job. I don't want to come off as snobby or ungrateful because I'm grateful to have job currently, especially since a recession is nearing, but if talking to my manager tomorrow when I'm at work doesn't come to a resolution, should I quit…

I currently am a college student working a part time retail sales job. I requested a month and a half out in advance that I need 5 days off, 3 of which are to go to a long time family friend's wedding, and 2 of which are for days where I need to take exams for my classes. I submitted my RTO request and my manager says she cant approve it because they do not have enough coverage in the store to support it. I enjoy working there, its a pretty good part time college gig, but I'm kinda fed up with the monotonous nature of the job. I don't want to come off as snobby or ungrateful because I'm grateful to have job currently, especially since a recession is nearing, but if talking to my manager tomorrow when I'm at work doesn't come to a resolution, should I quit my job?

For over 6 months, I've been questioning if working this job is even worth it, especially since I feel that I am not being valued. As of now, I am the 4th leading salesperson by volume. I closed over $800,000 YTD in sales revenue, but this role is not commission based so I'm only making around $30,000 a year. On the side, I do day trade the stock market, and would really love to dive into it full time. If I quit my job, then it would give me extra push to dive deeper into the markets.

What would you do if you were in my shoes?

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