
worst job experiences? lemme start off… .

1 asking to come in on a day off bc ppl called in ( I was part time) 2 Being touched and harassed by a manger 3 being shocked by faulty equipment for 3 days straight. 4 had a gun pull on and being shown off and joking that this rando customer wanted to rob the store and that his gun coudnt be tracked. 5 Being soaked bc the roof was built by some cheap ass company thus holes in the roof and getting rained on. 6 being promised a position w higher pay and being denied bc I called in sick. Honestly the whole sick points shit is stupid.. 7 Being moved to another deparment bc we were too efficient and thus needed something to do. They had a deparment falling and fired off like half their staff…. 8 Being told that we were volunteering… to move to a…

1 asking to come in on a day off bc ppl called in ( I was part time)

2 Being touched and harassed by a manger

3 being shocked by faulty equipment for 3 days straight.

4 had a gun pull on and being shown off and joking that this rando customer wanted to rob the store and that his gun coudnt be tracked.

5 Being soaked bc the roof was built by some cheap ass company thus holes in the roof and getting rained on.

6 being promised a position w higher pay and being denied bc I called in sick. Honestly the whole sick points shit is stupid..

7 Being moved to another deparment bc we were too efficient and thus needed something to do. They had a deparment falling and fired off like half their staff….

8 Being told that we were volunteering… to move to a diff4 department.

9 Told that a company hires insides the company, then getting passed up and another person getting a position that I wanted…

10 Increasing sales so we get a fucking burger party. They can afford to buy us lunch but not the money so we the employees can afford food…

I just want to be able to care for my dog man. I gave up on having a car or a house. Highest job here pays 900 a week.I gotta work 2 full weeks just to afford rent. Not including other bills. Highest record profits but raising the wages isnt a option…

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