
Worthwhile jobs

Lately I’ve seen many posts of major employers that don’t pay anywhere close to a living wage. They provide no benefits or incentives and generally are a bunch of business jerks. I’m wondering if anyone here is savvy enough to put together a list of worthwhile corporations that actually help and encourage their employees to succeed. Maybe I’m an optimist. Maybe the glass is full of piss. I am not savvy enough to put this list together but maybe it could help folks.

Lately I’ve seen many posts of major employers that don’t pay anywhere close to a living wage. They provide no benefits or incentives and generally are a bunch of business jerks. I’m wondering if anyone here is savvy enough to put together a list of worthwhile corporations that actually help and encourage their employees to succeed. Maybe I’m an optimist. Maybe the glass is full of piss. I am not savvy enough to put this list together but maybe it could help folks.

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