Apologies if this is not a good thing to post, it seemed very up this sub’s alley and I figured may as well share just in case.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSMoZfYgATEoeC5HALMmJLOfxLpsrx19Kf1HN3EWjQB1yiKRZG6sVVwMBvsOJgB4itzLZD7K3UFMzIR/pub – this is a free online course on the principles of organising and winning campaigns – be they in labour, housing, electoral, etc. It takes place a couple times, I would be looking at the 6 Tuesdays 5-6pm GMT starting 10 May.
A minimum of ten people are needed to sign up. Would anyone here be interested in joining my cohort? I am not set on being the facilitator, but willing to if no one else in the group would like to!
Also I figure this may be of use to others – I would be comfortable facilitating up to a couple over ten people because my PC hates running breakout rooms, but if I’m not facilitating I’m open to larger cohorts for sure.