
Would I have a discrimination case?

Hello, Not my everyday account but anyways so I am a CSR for a company in CT/Mass. I am in a department with 50ish reps. 45 are women. There are 4 men including myself ( 3 are homosexual which I have no issue with but figured I’d mention since I am the only straight male ) and the 5 managers are all women. Everyone is very tenured as well. I am entering year 3 here. My boss is the queen of micromanaging. Whether it’s a phone call, an email, a letter she will find something to talk to you about & pick it apart and tell you how she would do it even tho it was done right to begin with. Anyways I always got the vibe she didn’t like me for whatever reasons but I do my job, keep quiet and go with the flow. Over the last 6…


Not my everyday account but anyways so I am a CSR for a company in CT/Mass. I am in a department with 50ish reps. 45 are women. There are 4 men including myself ( 3 are homosexual which I have no issue with but figured I’d mention since I am the only straight male ) and the 5 managers are all women. Everyone is very tenured as well. I am entering year 3 here. My boss is the queen of micromanaging. Whether it’s a phone call, an email, a letter she will find something to talk to you about & pick it apart and tell you how she would do it even tho it was done right to begin with. Anyways I always got the vibe she didn’t like me for whatever reasons but I do my job, keep quiet and go with the flow. Over the last 6 months she’s really been on my case. I chalked it up to her over micromanaging however this last month she’s been accusing me of work that she claims is missing/deleted. Even though on the accounts the work is completed the comments are MIA but we can’t close an account unless we add notes and again the work is done and my name is all over the account. Idk if she’s deleting them and accusing me of not commenting which again is humanly impossible. Besides that she is knit picking on the most minor things such as if I am not back at my desk after break but she clearly sees me talking to another manager or co worker regarding work related stuff. She also needed someone to test a new program and me and a new hire were sitting next to one another and she said “let’s have Jackie test it bc she’s probably more tech savvy then Joe (me) which is absolutely asinine bc Jackie started 2 weeks ago and has zero clue about anything so how she thinks she’s more tech savvy then me is utterly absurd. Anyways it’s becoming a daily occurrence and she isn’t doing it to make me quit bc she knows I would never quit my job. I think she’s gathering fake ammo to potentially fire me. It’s the only thing that does make sense. Anyways sorry for my rant but if she were to fire me over fake garbage nonsense would I have a case for discrimination against a male? I have friends there but no one would stand up for me. I wouldn’t want to drag anyone into it either. I am just curious and figured I’d throw this out there. Thanks for any input.

Edit – I do ask friends stuff about feedback, reports, reviews etc and NONE of them get asked the questions I do or accused of any stuff that she busts my chops on.

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