
Would it be acceptable to just not go back to work on Monday?

I put in my two weeks last Friday, I thought my boss took it well. She has not. I came in on Tuesday and my office had been cleared of 85% of files, projects, and routine admin. stuff I typical manage. There was a a binder on my desk on Friday that I needed to work on Tuesday for a meeting on Wednesday. Since it was gone when I came in, I just left it alone. She comes to me Wednesday afternoon and complains that the binder wasn't updated. I told her, I know, I was going to work on it on Tuesday AM but it was gone. She responded “Well, I needed it for Wednesday AM”, I said, you would have had it for the meeting and it would have been updated because you cleaned my desk over the weekend. She leaves the binder, tells me to update it…

I put in my two weeks last Friday, I thought my boss took it well. She has not. I came in on Tuesday and my office had been cleared of 85% of files, projects, and routine admin. stuff I typical manage.

There was a a binder on my desk on Friday that I needed to work on Tuesday for a meeting on Wednesday. Since it was gone when I came in, I just left it alone. She comes to me Wednesday afternoon and complains that the binder wasn't updated. I told her, I know, I was going to work on it on Tuesday AM but it was gone. She responded “Well, I needed it for Wednesday AM”, I said, you would have had it for the meeting and it would have been updated because you cleaned my desk over the weekend. She leaves the binder, tells me to update it and walks away.

Yesterday, she had a meeting, when she came back I asked how it went (like I do after every single meeting), all she says, as she walks by my office, not even stopping to speak to me, is “good”. Goes down the hall to talks to someone else all about the meeting.

She is already a micromanager but she is taking it to a whole new level and demanding I include her on correspondence I had never once included her on previously, removing my access to certain files and then getting upset because she wants me to pull documents from the files I don't have access to, leaving me completely out of discussions and meetings that I was once apart of.

On Friday's, staff is allowed to leave early for the weekend. I let her know that I wanted to take advantage of this. She responds with ” Since you were out yesterday, I need you to complete this project and send it to me before you can leave”. I was not out yesterday. I worked from home the morning and then had a 2 hour meeting with HR. Also she hadn't even finished her part of the project until this morning so I couldn't have done it anyway.

This is already a very small office, there's only 3 of us. It really feels like I'm being alienated and frozen out, so I'm not sure why I bother staying. What do I gain from it but feeling alone for 8 hours a day for the next 1.5 weeks? I've been an excellent employee and put up with a lot from her. I thought we'd part on good terms but that is looking less likely. It is a shitty thing to do to just not come back on Monday? She's not someone that would take kindly to any type of criticisms (true or perceived) and pointing out her behavior would only make my last 1.5 weeks even more difficult.

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