
Would people freak out if all work was suddenly “volunteers only” (no pay, no money anymore)?

It's an absurd (or surreal) thing to imagine but, suppose tomorrow, officially, money stops working. All work that gets done is strictly voluntary. At important stores (say, grocery stores) it's take what you need. I think many people would freak out, hoard, steel, refuse to help, etc. and maybe many others would do the opposite — but I have no reason to think that's more than a wild guess. What do you think?

It's an absurd (or surreal) thing to imagine but, suppose tomorrow, officially, money stops working. All work that gets done is strictly voluntary. At important stores (say, grocery stores) it's take what you need.

I think many people would freak out, hoard, steel, refuse to help, etc. and maybe many others would do the opposite — but I have no reason to think that's more than a wild guess.

What do you think?

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