
would there be less car accidents if we weren’t forced to work like this?

(on mobile, so sorry) last year i was in a car accident on my way to work. some dipshit teenager blew through the stop sign and t-boned me, totaling my car. this intersection is known to be pretty bad and normally i wait for cars to stop/slow down but he was two blocks away and i was going to be late to work so i ignored my gut and went. and recently my cousin was rushing to work and got in an accident, ending up in the icu. i don't know car accident statistics but i think there would be less accidents if we weren't so worried about being late and losing our jobs. (also if we funded better public transportation). has anyone else been in an accident because of work?

(on mobile, so sorry) last year i was in a car accident on my way to work. some dipshit teenager blew through the stop sign and t-boned me, totaling my car. this intersection is known to be pretty bad and normally i wait for cars to stop/slow down but he was two blocks away and i was going to be late to work so i ignored my gut and went. and recently my cousin was rushing to work and got in an accident, ending up in the icu. i don't know car accident statistics but i think there would be less accidents if we weren't so worried about being late and losing our jobs. (also if we funded better public transportation). has anyone else been in an accident because of work?

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