
Would you leave a job for an easier-going job but make $1 less an hour?

I currently work in corporate dentistry and it is life-sucking. They don’t care about patients, they only care about profits and business, rather than the actual health of a patient. They overbook constantly, they run numbers and hold it over you. I work 5 days a week and travel to a different clinic everyday. I like my coworkers but it is constantly busy and patients are constantly upset. I hate how much like a car salesmen I feel like when talking about dental treatment. I work full time. I had an interview at a private dental practice and I was offered the position. It seems great, it’s super close to home and is only from Monday – Thursday, with Friday – Sunday off. However, it would be a dollar less an hour than what I make now. I’m think I am going to accept it but wanted a general consensus…

I currently work in corporate dentistry and it is life-sucking. They don’t care about patients, they only care about profits and business, rather than the actual health of a patient. They overbook constantly, they run numbers and hold it over you. I work 5 days a week and travel to a different clinic everyday. I like my coworkers but it is constantly busy and patients are constantly upset. I hate how much like a car salesmen I feel like when talking about dental treatment. I work full time.

I had an interview at a private dental practice and I was offered the position. It seems great, it’s super close to home and is only from Monday – Thursday, with Friday – Sunday off. However, it would be a dollar less an hour than what I make now. I’m think I am going to accept it but wanted a general consensus to see what others would do. The position is full time.

Any thoughts?

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