
Would you say calling out/in for Thanksgiving weekend is acceptable?

And I'm not talking from a corporate standpoint I'm talking from a working man or woman with multiple sides of families to visit and so on. We have off work Thursday but Friday and Saturday we're supposed to work like one day is enough. Even after last year they gave us off Thursday through Sunday…so I may work Friday and juggle two families on Thursday but Saturday I'm doing Thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family. And I know management will be royally pissed, because I guarantee we will have a crap ton of no shows Friday but that's what you get when you try to systematize everyone's social life. So yeah just though I'd ask what everyone else's opinion on this is, because there's strength in unity even without unions (although it's more risky.)

And I'm not talking from a corporate standpoint I'm talking from a working man or woman with multiple sides of families to visit and so on. We have off work Thursday but Friday and Saturday we're supposed to work like one day is enough. Even after last year they gave us off Thursday through Sunday…so I may work Friday and juggle two families on Thursday but Saturday I'm doing Thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family. And I know management will be royally pissed, because I guarantee we will have a crap ton of no shows Friday but that's what you get when you try to systematize everyone's social life. So yeah just though I'd ask what everyone else's opinion on this is, because there's strength in unity even without unions (although it's more risky.)

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