
Would you switch jobs if it meant not having health insurance?

The current job is toxic & I’ve been mentally done with this job for the last few months. The new job is exactly what I was looking for, except it’s a very small business & they don’t have group health insurance. I would make too much to qualify for any decent plan yet it would cost too much to buy insurance on my own. I do have access to some affordable medical care across the border, I just worry about any major medical issues happening or it I had a medical emergency in the US & not having insurance to help cover it. What are your thoughts?

The current job is toxic & I’ve been mentally done with this job for the last few months. The new job is exactly what I was looking for, except it’s a very small business & they don’t have group health insurance. I would make too much to qualify for any decent plan yet it would cost too much to buy insurance on my own. I do have access to some affordable medical care across the border, I just worry about any major medical issues happening or it I had a medical emergency in the US & not having insurance to help cover it.

What are your thoughts?

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