
Wouldn’t all the difficult experiences you all faced with bad managers and crappy corporations/businesses, effectively make you a Much better leader, Manager, and far more empathetic and understanding small business owner. (please hear me out..)

From all the posts we've seen on here it wouldn't be uncommon to realize that many of you have been through a great many hardships in life. But wouldn't that experience effectively make you a Far powerful and more empathetic leader? As a manager or a small business owner you would Never take advantage of your employees and always do your best to put them first. You would be a True manager and a leader in that you would constantly guide them and motivate them to do better. Your small business would be extremely ethical and you would work under the paradigm that “the workers own the means of production.” Meaning.. if you had SmallBusinessDeviceA, that cost $40/month to maintain, and 40 employees, each employee would pay in $1 from their paycheck for the maintenance of that device, or machine. Or, as the business owner, You would pay in $20…

From all the posts we've seen on here it wouldn't be uncommon to realize that many of you have been through a great many hardships in life. But wouldn't that experience effectively make you a Far powerful and more empathetic leader? As a manager or a small business owner you would Never take advantage of your employees and always do your best to put them first. You would be a True manager and a leader in that you would constantly guide them and motivate them to do better. Your small business would be extremely ethical and you would work under the paradigm that “the workers own the means of production.” Meaning.. if you had SmallBusinessDeviceA, that cost $40/month to maintain, and 40 employees, each employee would pay in $1 from their paycheck for the maintenance of that device, or machine.

Or, as the business owner, You would pay in $20 a month from your profits to maintain that item and your employees would each provide 50cents. But because of employee ownership of the company and its resources, you would make all profits transparent, only allow employees to invest in the company, and everyone would have voting rights and a say in how to make the company better.

You would also push them and guide them to create their own companies and become better leaders as you have become.

Depending on your profession, cook, contractor, programmer, IT analyst, accountant, etc.. You would find others on r/antiwork and form small discord groups. You would each donate a small amount of your resources and time and hire college students in your respective fields to assist.

However in this case, there would be No exploitation or unfair advantage taken on any of the employees because You and your friends/colleagues from r/antiwork would be running the small company and team.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this. Also, as for advertising, promotion, getting government contracts and site development, the many techs and marketing promoters in the sub such as myself would assist.

We could also post a multitude of resources and business ideas for free for everybody and motivate and assist them for free in order to help them form and discover their own team.

I would love to hear your advice and opinions on this.

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