
Wouldn’t it be funny if ALL laborers took Labor Day off?

Just imagine if every minimum wage, “low” skill retail, hospitality and other workers just didn't show up Monday for work? I mean its a national holiday to honor the Labor movement and strikes against working conditions. Just seems fitting to have a “strike” to show how essential these “high school” jobs are to the whole of the economy Because frankly, Labor Day has just become another day with no meaning. Maybe it's time to have another movement

Just imagine if every minimum wage, “low” skill retail, hospitality and other workers just didn't show up Monday for work? I mean its a national holiday to honor the Labor movement and strikes against working conditions. Just seems fitting to have a “strike” to show how essential these “high school” jobs are to the whole of the economy

Because frankly, Labor Day has just become another day with no meaning. Maybe it's time to have another movement

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