
wow thanks for the free dinner a fucking sausage roll.

I started at a place last month apparently they've been promised a free dinner for like 2 years and are just now getting it currently only 8 people work on my shift. Management said we can have 2 pizzas but we couldn't settle on 2 pizza topping so instead of using the billions of dollars this company is worth to buy a third pizza they decided we all get sausage rolls from the gas station 1 per person totally 1.79 each are you fucking serious.

I started at a place last month apparently they've been promised a free dinner for like 2 years and are just now getting it currently only 8 people work on my shift. Management said we can have 2 pizzas but we couldn't settle on 2 pizza topping so instead of using the billions of dollars this company is worth to buy a third pizza they decided we all get sausage rolls from the gas station 1 per person totally 1.79 each are you fucking serious.

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