
written up for family death and covid leave

essentially my uncle died as soon as i started working my new job and i ended up having absences due to that. i got back to work and weeks later i get covid and have to be out for about two weeks. after i get back to work the manager comes in and tells me i’m being written up and if i get written up twice more they’ll fire me. i don’t know anything about washington work laws, and have no idea if they can do this over covid. today i had to call in again due to my ptsd (i had flashbacks and panic attacks after being exposed to a trigger) and i’m afraid they’ll fire me. i’ve read the ADA and it seems like i should be safe but i would love to have some input from someone who knows the law a bit better.

essentially my uncle died as soon as i started working my new job and i ended up having absences due to that. i got back to work and weeks later i get covid and have to be out for about two weeks. after i get back to work the manager comes in and tells me i’m being written up and if i get written up twice more they’ll fire me. i don’t know anything about washington work laws, and have no idea if they can do this over covid. today i had to call in again due to my ptsd (i had flashbacks and panic attacks after being exposed to a trigger) and i’m afraid they’ll fire me. i’ve read the ADA and it seems like i should be safe but i would love to have some input from someone who knows the law a bit better.

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