
Written up for saving family

This guy shared his conversation on FB with his boss. East Kentucky got hit with what some are calling a 1 in 1000 event and MANY people in Perry and Knott counties lost everything and it's not easily replaced if you live on a pension or SSI as many here do. Anyway, this guy goes to save his grandmother, mother and sister from dying. Mind you he has to hike the mountainside as the road's flooded. And he's written up for not making it to work the next day.

This guy shared his conversation on FB with his boss. East Kentucky got hit with what some are calling a 1 in 1000 event and MANY people in Perry and Knott counties lost everything and it's not easily replaced if you live on a pension or SSI as many here do. Anyway, this guy goes to save his grandmother, mother and sister from dying. Mind you he has to hike the mountainside as the road's flooded. And he's written up for not making it to work the next day.

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