
wtf do i do

im a dental assistant! 1 year experience . so basically on monday i was in the room with my doctor (shes fresh out of school btw) for an exam. i had taken the xrays of a girl who was in so much pain from her wisdom teeth that she could barely open her mouth. the xrays were a little overlapped tbh but the poor girl couldnt open. so the doctor instantly begins to bash my xrays &’ how she cant see anything but her tone was rude tbh. it was so embarrassing to be talked like that infront of the patient &’ i was worried the pt would not trust me because the doctor made it seem like i didnt know what i was doing. so after the exam i retook the xrays after she asked me to after the lecture. she left &’ i followed her out &’ said…

im a dental assistant! 1 year experience .

so basically on monday i was in the room with my doctor (shes fresh out of school btw) for an exam. i had taken the xrays of a girl who was in so much pain from her wisdom teeth that she could barely open her mouth. the xrays were a little overlapped tbh but the poor girl couldnt open. so the doctor instantly begins to bash my xrays &’ how she cant see anything but her tone was rude tbh. it was so embarrassing to be talked like that infront of the patient &’ i was worried the pt would not trust me because the doctor made it seem like i didnt know what i was doing. so after the exam i retook the xrays after she asked me to after the lecture. she left &’ i followed her out &’ said hey dr. um so im sorry but next time if you want me to retake the xrays can you please pull me aside &’ tell me what was wrong with it instead of saying it infront of the patient? it just makes me look kinda bad &’ is quite embarrassing. she responds with “well its frustrating” &’ i said i understood. so after that i told my manager what happened &’ i told him i just wanted to ask her to please discuss my xrays with me outside the room. he was completely on my side about it &’ said i was right. after that the day went on &’ i never thought about it again until today wednesday i went into work &’ today was a good day up until lunch. after lunch the same doctor from monday comes in &’ i say hi &’ everything is normal. i go into her office to tell her theres an exam in a room &’ she says okay sounds good &’ we walk there . during the exam she asked for endo ice &’ i said of course &’ handed it t her. she asks for a pa of a tooth i say okay take it &’ my manager comes in saying he needs to speak to me. im thinkin wtf did i do?! so he pulls me into the kitchen &’ immediately says “ you need to atop giving the doctor attitude” im like WHAT?! i am blown away be cause i never ever gave the doctor no attitude during the 10 words we spoke to eachother. i lost it. i started crying &’ he told me to go home &’ take the week off!!! i work 3 day 12 hr shifts i cannot AFFORD to take the week off?!!? i called my bf to pick me up &’ waited outside in the rain for 20 mins crying.

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