
y’all wanna help me write a resignation letter?

First, some back story: I work for a chain of dental offices. They're open 6 days a week, full time employees work 5 days a week- pretty standard work week, yeah? Except for the part where the office is open 10 hours a day M-F, and 7-8 hours each Saturday. So a full time employee works 4 full week days, and Saturday (every employee is required to work 2 saturdays a month), or a half day one of the weekdays. That's already a bit ridiculous for working in an office setting, but those were the terms of employment upon hire. I personally don't understand why we need to be open Saturdays at all. It makes it more difficult for employees to schedule social activities and take care of personal projects at home. Heaven forbid you need to request off a Saturday, or even rest to be fresh for the next…

First, some back story:

I work for a chain of dental offices. They're open 6 days a week, full time employees work 5 days a week- pretty standard work week, yeah? Except for the part where the office is open 10 hours a day M-F, and 7-8 hours each Saturday.
So a full time employee works 4 full week days, and Saturday (every employee is required to work 2 saturdays a month), or a half day one of the weekdays.

That's already a bit ridiculous for working in an office setting, but those were the terms of employment upon hire. I personally don't understand why we need to be open Saturdays at all. It makes it more difficult for employees to schedule social activities and take care of personal projects at home. Heaven forbid you need to request off a Saturday, or even rest to be fresh for the next week.

Each schedule is done for the entirety of each month (it never comes out before the month actually starts) and if your requests were ignored or something comes up, you can try to work out an agreement with another employee to switch days. Usually the office manager doesn't mind that too much as long as you clear it with her first.

Anyway- the main issue.

There's been whispers of switching the scheduling format to everyone working all six day every week, with abbreviated hours each day, and no shift switching allowed. I am NOT doing that. I'm not working for a company that thinks they essentially own me during the entirety of their hours of operation. I know I am not the only one who learned how vital work/ life balance is during the worst of the pandemic. Been there, done that, not a fan- ended up in an ongoing class action lawsuit with that company.

I have every intention of immediately submitting my notice IF the August schedule reflects those changes. I'd be happy to include any little informational tidbits you fine folk might have about the benefits of a consistent work schedule if you'd like to drop me some in the comments!

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