There was a fall carnival for our region this weekend. optional fun event. not a paid work event. i had repeatedly told my boss i wasn’t going. she is aware i have been dealing with a lot on my plate since early this year due to my mom being placed in skilled nursing. it’s not a secret as i have had to take a lot of days off here and there due to ER visits. between full time work and my mom it’s been a lot. i even had to take this semester off from school.
anyway this weekend i get a group text from her saying she wasn’t going to make it to the event because her garage door broke and since she’s in a wheelchair it’s imperative she gets it fixed now so she’s not going to the fall carnival. i didn’t reply. i come in this morning and she calls me into the office to ask me some work related thing. and then she’s like how was the carnival? i told her i didn’t ho because i went to have lunch with my mom. and she goes into this full on lecture that those work events are important and that the region keeps track of it. i then tell her that i don’t get to see my mom during weekdays because appointments for visits end at 6 and i would never get to the skilled nursing facility on time so my only option is the one hour a day allowance on saturday and sunday. and her response was “you always have some excuse.”
The rage i felt inside my entire body is not healthy. i’ve always had anxiety and she is making it a lot worse to the point where i’m waking up every morning already on heightened alert. I was really hoping to give my notice on December 15th and stay until she hired someone on and even stay a bit longer to train the person. But i can’t handle the way she treats me and my co worker. So I decided i’m going i just screw her over and give my two weeks and that’s all.
the question is do i screw her over now or wait until december so that i am still employed on jan 1st to ensure i get my profit sharing. what would the wise folks of reddit do?