
y’all works in shitty places with shitty people

its not to be diminishing or harsh, i know a lot of you are not “lazy” nor “cry babies” im just 20 and i have a good resume in a sense that i did manual works, a lot of restaurants (of whom one with two stars). And its not to brag or anything but i work inside a castle where i do guided tours, holding the register and other things more manual (since im the only guy around) my colleages are beyond nice and even the direction is linent with me, they are nice beacause i arrived on time, i smile, im friendly with everyone and i can pratice my spannish and Italian with the clients. the point of this post is that y'all work in shitty buisnesses try to find other post that are not held by greedy corporate but instead with people that basically have a mondaine life.

its not to be diminishing or harsh, i know a lot of you are not “lazy” nor “cry babies”

im just 20 and i have a good resume in a sense that i did manual works, a lot of restaurants (of whom one with two stars).

And its not to brag or anything but i work inside a castle where i do guided tours, holding the register and other things more manual (since im the only guy around) my colleages are beyond nice and even the direction is linent with me, they are nice beacause i arrived on time, i smile, im friendly with everyone and i can pratice my spannish and Italian with the clients.

the point of this post is that y'all work in shitty buisnesses try to find other post that are not held by greedy corporate but instead with people that basically have a mondaine life.

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