
Yearly increase way below inflation. F*%k this.

Told my boss I will not accept his suggested 2,77778% salary increase this year as it’s way too low. Gave him a number I accept and told him “everything below this number is me interpreting you saying I’m not wanted here.”. Also they want to remove overtime pay (but still want us working overtime) and they are trying to spice it up with a bonus salary they don’t know yet how will be measured or how much it will be. Gave him the homework of getting back to me with a better offer or “I will consider my options.”. Safe to say he got back and the offer wasn’t better. When I said I’d then have to consider my options he asked if my motivation for working at the company was purely money. Responded with “I’m 100% sure no one here would work for you if you stopped paying. Hence…

Told my boss I will not accept his suggested 2,77778% salary increase this year as it’s way too low. Gave him a number I accept and told him “everything below this number is me interpreting you saying I’m not wanted here.”.

Also they want to remove overtime pay (but still want us working overtime) and they are trying to spice it up with a bonus salary they don’t know yet how will be measured or how much it will be.

Gave him the homework of getting back to me with a better offer or “I will consider my options.”.

Safe to say he got back and the offer wasn’t better.
When I said I’d then have to consider my options he asked if my motivation for working at the company was purely money. Responded with “I’m 100% sure no one here would work for you if you stopped paying. Hence we all work solely for the money. There are 100s of companies like this and we don’t do anything special, so anyone can pick up the phone and off they go.” (IT).

He then finished the conversation by adding “I hope you’re not going out to look for something and then come back and pressure me with another offer.”

As I went out I replied “don’t worry, if I get something new I won’t tell you until I have signed and I won’t hold you to it. If you can pay me more later you can pay me more now. It’s too little too late.”

Safe to say I did do that (well thought through and targeted) phone call and I will go by the office next week to deliver my notice.

Bye bye!

And hello new, exiting job! 🥳
Still IT, but more meaningful in the healthcare sector.

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