
Years Ago I Walked Out And It Felt Great

So I'll just say this. I worked part-time for a car dealership. I was what they called an inventory specialist. Basically a grunt. I looked over incoming cars from auction prior to receiving them. Often one of my duties was to scan an RFID tag that's on every car. That included both the customer lot as well as the back lot where goes were staged while the cars were being prepared for the customer lot. Also every single car purchased had to come back through my department's shop for one last review as well as a light detail. The weekends were the worst as you can imagine this is when the most cars are sold. Well this can also be when the buyers decide to bring in over 40 used cars from the auction. Each car must be visually looked over for any transportation damage then it has to be…

So I'll just say this. I worked part-time for a car dealership. I was what they called an inventory specialist. Basically a grunt. I looked over incoming cars from auction prior to receiving them. Often one of my duties was to scan an RFID tag that's on every car. That included both the customer lot as well as the back lot where goes were staged while the cars were being prepared for the customer lot. Also every single car purchased had to come back through my department's shop for one last review as well as a light detail. The weekends were the worst as you can imagine this is when the most cars are sold. Well this can also be when the buyers decide to bring in over 40 used cars from the auction. Each car must be visually looked over for any transportation damage then it has to be keyed into the system, tagged, and then you hope there is room for it on the backlot. Also the truck drivers that would be delivering the loads of cars loved to show up after cut off time and complain. We would say no, they would complain to the manager on duty, and the manager would just make us go ahead and accept the cars. It didn't matter that the cut off time was for a reason. We had nightly maintenance tasks that had to be completed before we could leave. You weren't allowed to get overtime (which wasn't my problem but I felt bad for the FT people). So we would be just racing around halfassing things so we could get out on time because there was only so many of us and many, many job requirements.
For example, there was a Saturday in March of 2017 I believe, on that day alone the dealership sold 68 vehicles. The most people we had at one time which was mid-afternoon was 5 people. The cars needing to be prepped for the new buyer were scattered everywhere because we couldn't get to them fast enough. We were still selling cars up until closing time that day. How many people did we have then? 2….. That day nearly broke me but I some how made it about another year and a half.

During that year and a half, the department had been realigned under a new management structure. It was for the good. Team morale improved. Staffing issues were being addressed. You could see the light at the end of the tunnel. Then probably in November 2018, the management structure was realighned again and we began reporting back to our old managers. Immediately things went right back to the way were if not worse. Finally one night a truck driver shows up with a load of cars after cut off time. We say no. Management says yes. I then told my team lead that I really appreciated everything he did for me because he really was a hard worker. But I told him that I am not taking this fucking shit anymore (yes those words). I took off my badge, my walkie, and my keys and laid them in the managers office. I went and hopped over the gate that keeps people from stealing cars from the backlot and took off in my truck.

It was a great feeling. Yeah I needed the cash, otherwise I wouldn't have been working there but I had just reached my limit. I got a call from my previous boss, the one from the great management structure, asking why I had left in such a way. I just laid it all out. Everything about the managers as well. He thanked me for taking time to speak with him and that's the last time I've ever had to deal with that shithole.

However, every time I see a truck driver with a load of cars I instantly get pissed off. I guess I am a bit more traumatized from it all than I'd like to think. Anyway, if you read this all the way through thank you for taking time out of your day to learn about one of my experiences in life. I truly appreciate it.

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