
Years of dedication & hard work just to be screwed & thrown away like trash, to then insult me & expect my loyalty and allow them to keep to breaking the law..

So basically worked at a landscaping co. 6 yrs and was the best worker they had. Showed up every day did a INSANE amount of work every wk wk in wk out. Dealt with all sorts of BS but still did my job and never bitched. I was paid same salary every wk, got paid wk vacation n 5 sick days , which was 2 wks vacation at first then changed. I was always paid cash or on the books never the bullshit they do. Which I knew from the start but needed the job and one good thing was it being yr round so got paid for like 6-8 wks off in winter but if snow was on call and got paid no more. Worked 50hrs a WK on avg sometimes more but usually never less than 45. I like every one there was claimed as a “independent contractor”…

So basically worked at a landscaping co. 6 yrs and was the best worker they had. Showed up every day did a INSANE amount of work every wk wk in wk out. Dealt with all sorts of BS but still did my job and never bitched.

I was paid same salary every wk, got paid wk vacation n 5 sick days , which was 2 wks vacation at first then changed. I was always paid cash or on the books never the bullshit they do. Which I knew from the start but needed the job and one good thing was it being yr round so got paid for like 6-8 wks off in winter but if snow was on call and got paid no more. Worked 50hrs a WK on avg sometimes more but usually never less than 45.

I like every one there was claimed as a “independent contractor” which absolutely NOTHING made us that whatsoever. Knowing that being wrong and having some issues with the IRS already I wasn't thrilled with it but also figured I would just wait and see how things went before I ever filled anything. I could tell at some point they would likely screw me over so I wanted to make sure I had that to hit them with when they did.

The boss is my age but completely opposite of me and was a loser in HS basically, not that I wasn't the prom king or popular #1 lol, but I was normal and fit in got along with most everyone he was probably bullied and hardly noticed n never had a gf. I went to school with a relative of his but not him so I was told and can tell it was true. So he had an issue with me and wanted any chance to feel powerful while hoping I would kiss his ass and treat him a certain way. I never disrespected him or anything like that but I saw him as my equal not a boss and he didn't like the way I carried myself cause I was quite and wanted to come to work get it done and get home.

So fast forward to exactly 1 yr ago, just now realized that looking at the date, but my car broke down and I was walking to a gas station when I was hit by some asshole and left for dead, by some miracle I'm still alive. So he tells me get better and come back when I'm ready my job will be there.. well worked my ass off pushed myself in therapy to get walking again fast as possible to get back to work, had seen him couple times and went by saw the guys at work during that time nothing was told to me different. Come June let him know I'm getting close to giving it a go hopefully mid July, he says “well were not really busy now” which was total BS…

Went to go talk in person and he trys to give me all sorts of BS, says he gave ****** my position and promised him whatever but that wouldn't be fair to him.. mind you this dude been there not even a yr is a shit worker with not even a yr experience.. but biggest thing you worried about what you told him but doesn't matter what you told me?? Makes no sense.. then a whole bunch of other BS trys to tell me might be good never know what will happen might go get paid more somewhere else blah blah blah… Then has the nerve to say no matter what we treated you good lol.. I guess hoping I won't be mad and retaliate in anyway, not sure if he thinks I'll report them or something else tho..then asked if I were to come back fresh this yr would I work under that dude, which I said I wouldn't be thrilled about it but I would do what I need to earn my job back even tho ain't right. So that was last I heard anything like I figured would be.

So I plan to report them for the illegal classifications and maybe get overtime pay owed as well. I'm not a vindictive person and not the type to wish harm or want to mess up people's lives or lively hood but I did nothing but work my ass off and help that company grow majorly in that time for them to just dump me off at the time I needed a job the most and would have prepared otherwise in that time if I wasn't blatantly lied to while more loyalty was given to someone who just started there and I had covered for previously or they wouldn't have still even been there anyway. Then still couldn't be a fuckin man and tell me he won't bring me back flat out all while they claim to be god fearing church goers.

I couldn't imagine treating any employee like that let alone one been with you 6 yrs and claim you a man of God then have no problem making life even worse for someone going thru the hardest and worse possible situation of their life due to no fault of their own and could care less if they go hungry or homeless when all they want is the job you told them would be there and shouldn't have to beg for.

So I'm not holding back I want to bury his ass much as possible and ain't gonna feel bad one bit… Any advice on how or what to do would be greatly appreciated, I have done some research but would like to hear from some people who might have dealt with similar situations.

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