
“Years of experience required” is just ageism and there to keep young people poor

I guarantee with 1-3 weeks of adequate training most people could do these jobs that require 5 years of experience. Question why corporate jobs require YEARS of experience when the jobs can be done with 8th grade level intellect. Unless you’re a doctor, lawyer, or have a superior skill that actually takes years to learn, these requirements are laughable. Most of these jobs don’t actually need half a decade of experience to learn. It’s just a tactic to keep young people at the bottom of the chain and poorer. Boomers must have their egos fed. You can’t give a young person a good salary, because they’ll be more inclined to retire early. You have to keep them chained to the workforce as long as possible.

I guarantee with 1-3 weeks of adequate training most people could do these jobs that require 5 years of experience.

Question why corporate jobs require YEARS of experience when the jobs can be done with 8th grade level intellect. Unless you’re a doctor, lawyer, or have a superior skill that actually takes years to learn, these requirements are laughable.

Most of these jobs don’t actually need half a decade of experience to learn. It’s just a tactic to keep young people at the bottom of the chain and poorer. Boomers must have their egos fed.

You can’t give a young person a good salary, because they’ll be more inclined to retire early. You have to keep them chained to the workforce as long as possible.

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