
Yelled at work from boss watching cameras at home…

Hi r/Antiwork, didn’t expect a post my myself for a while but here i am. I work at a fast food restaurant and today at 9:30pm the store manager gets a phone call, from the owner of the store wishing to talk to me. He yells at me over the phone “what the fuck are you doing…”, “where is your apron and hat etc”. The unprofessional actions from him is outrageous as every issue he had with me, had a valid reason and the toxicity he gave towards me was extremely rude. Me being nervous just reacted with yes, okay. I have to deal with him tomorrow when i get into work, i wonder how i should react to him when his inevitably rude smartass comment gets sent my way. I really don’t get paid enough to deal with this. (10.35 USD /hour + often 8+ hour shifts 🙁

Hi r/Antiwork, didn’t expect a post my myself for a while but here i am.

I work at a fast food restaurant and today at 9:30pm the store manager gets a phone call, from the owner of the store wishing to talk to me. He yells at me over the phone “what the fuck are you doing…”, “where is your apron and hat etc”. The unprofessional actions from him is outrageous as every issue he had with me, had a valid reason and the toxicity he gave towards me was extremely rude. Me being nervous just reacted with yes, okay.

I have to deal with him tomorrow when i get into work, i wonder how i should react to him when his inevitably rude smartass comment gets sent my way. I really don’t get paid enough to deal with this. (10.35 USD /hour + often 8+ hour shifts 🙁

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