
Yikes Manager

This was years ago but I still remember it perfectly. I applied to Little Ceasars once. The manager calls and asks me a couple interview-type questions over the phone. He then offers me the job and says “now I’m doing a favor by just offering the job over the phone. We’re short staffed so I need the help. Do you promise to show up and work?” I say yes. He then informs me of the pay: state minimum wage, which was about $9.50 at the time (most jobs paid a few dollars more though). I still took the job since id only be working a couple days a week at this job. Anyway, a few days later and a couple days before I’m supposed to start, I find out I got some really nice nursing scholarships/grants for my top school. I call the manager “apologetically” (I obviously wasn’t truly apologetic…

This was years ago but I still remember it perfectly. I applied to Little Ceasars once. The manager calls and asks me a couple interview-type questions over the phone. He then offers me the job and says “now I’m doing a favor by just offering the job over the phone. We’re short staffed so I need the help. Do you promise to show up and work?” I say yes. He then informs me of the pay: state minimum wage, which was about $9.50 at the time (most jobs paid a few dollars more though). I still took the job since id only be working a couple days a week at this job.
Anyway, a few days later and a couple days before I’m supposed to start, I find out I got some really nice nursing scholarships/grants for my top school.
I call the manager “apologetically” (I obviously wasn’t truly apologetic with the shit pay he offered) and inform him of the situation and that I would be leaving in a little over a month. I ask if he still wants me to work for the few weeks. He just huffed and hung up on me before I could finish asking
I was originally going to just work and inform the manager when it was time for me to leave, but something in me was telling me to call before I even started the job. Thank God I did. Can’t imagine how he acts in other situations.
And I’m sure he wondered why he can’t keep employees.

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