
You can always count on scum landlords

I figure loosely related to antiwork since…well, landlords do fuck plus all and still get paid :-P. Anyway. ​ In the UK, prices went stupid as a combination of Brexit panics, shortages, increased taxes, the whole, you know, UKRAINE thing gas shortage. Energy prices have risen sharply and will have another similar raise in October – looking fairly unavoidable. This doubles or more than doubles the energy costs for people. I used to get by with 40 gbp of electricity money per month as a high electronics user, this will now get to at least 80 in October. Heating was 40+ , some times 60 during those exact months when the second boost comes in. As you can imagine, I'm not happy about it. ​ This preamble is needed to explain that, okay, this sucks. So the government eventually got bullied into a support package where people get 200-400…

I figure loosely related to antiwork since…well, landlords do fuck plus all and still get paid :-P.


In the UK, prices went stupid as a combination of Brexit panics, shortages, increased taxes, the whole, you know, UKRAINE thing gas shortage. Energy prices have risen sharply and will have another similar raise in October – looking fairly unavoidable. This doubles or more than doubles the energy costs for people. I used to get by with 40 gbp of electricity money per month as a high electronics user, this will now get to at least 80 in October. Heating was 40+ , some times 60 during those exact months when the second boost comes in. As you can imagine, I'm not happy about it.

This preamble is needed to explain that, okay, this sucks. So the government eventually got bullied into a support package where people get 200-400 (And more if disabilities are included) as support per month they don't have to repay (Draft 1 was 200 max, repay over years months).


This is by houseapartmentowner.

England has a massive landlords are scum problem, exemplified in many ways, and further done so by the fact that landlords that rent out properties *are not required*to pass the savings on to their tenants, who are, and will be, struggling.

One article I read had the reporters ask some asshole with 9 properties who is pocketing 9X200 (or more) in savings without passing them on to his tenant, unironically saying things like I've got so many losses now! While like, ignoring 9 tenants and or their families having a hard time.

Landlords like this exemplify further why housing should be a guaranteed free thing. Parasites have too much power over human lives.

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