
You can’t make this shit up anymore. My last interview with a national manufacturer.

Hello all! I lost my job last week. No great loss, the place was toxic and we are in a great market. I hit the ground running and sent over 50 applications in like 3 days and by yesterday I had accepted an offer making $13,000 more than i was making at my old job. Good for me. Still, since I had scheduled several interviews, I decided to keep them all and meet all of them, you know, just in case. On to the last interview I had: Today at 3:30 with XXX Manufacturer. The only thing you need to know is that I am an HR professional with 20 years experience… In the interview, the HR Director/Manager made the following points: The position will be recruiting for at least a year, will be expected to back up other positions and should expect in a year to be doing something…

Hello all!

I lost my job last week. No great loss, the place was toxic and we are in a great market. I hit the ground running and sent over 50 applications in like 3 days and by yesterday I had accepted an offer making $13,000 more than i was making at my old job. Good for me. Still, since I had scheduled several interviews, I decided to keep them all and meet all of them, you know, just in case. On to the last interview I had: Today at 3:30 with XXX Manufacturer. The only thing you need to know is that I am an HR professional with 20 years experience…

In the interview, the HR Director/Manager made the following points:

  • The position will be recruiting for at least a year, will be expected to back up other positions and should expect in a year to be doing something else to avoid stagnation in the team (Great Idea IMHO)
  • Revenue for the company has been strong for the past couple of years, even through the pandemic. As a result, the company has gone through great expansion, almost doubling in size. This means this recruiter will be busy because they are expecting immense growth and there will be many openings to fill.
  • The company has a robust bonus program, which this position will be on. Revenue has been so strong that bonuses have been paid at times at 180% levels and have never been lower than 80%. As a rule, bonuses have been consistent paid above 100% level.

When we get to talk about money, she asks what my salary expectations are. I tell her it is between $55,000 – $75,000 (not unheard of for someone with my experience and skills) and she immediately says that this might be a problem cause this is out of her range. I tell her the minimum I will take is $50,000 (Thinking “bitch please, I already have an offer for above $60,000). She then proceeds to tell me the she is planning on bringing this person at around $45,000 and given my experience, she would offer me $48,000! I am thinking “What part of i will not take less than $50K did you not understand?”

She, in all seriousness, tells me, “Well, think about it, and we will get back with you on Monday.” but not before she tells me this position will have a lot to recruit again and some of the positions will be hard to fill.

Oh, dear, I wonder why would they have a hard time filling those positions? /s

I call the recruiter who called me for the position, tell er the story and she says “This is weird, they told us this position would be paying between $45K -$60K.”

Apparently people still think that low-balling candidates is a winning strategy.

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