
You guys seem like the best to offer advice in regards to my job situation.

I say this because many of you have been in some awful work environments and figured out ways or solutions to fix those situations. So here's some info on my situation. I am wanting to know what would be my best option/choice going forward. I work in the pre-hospital field. I won't go into more details beyond that. We had a co-worker become the department manager as of last yr, and gradually, but steadily, the department has become more stressful and toxic due to this manager. I was planning on leaving this job this year. Won't say when in order to possibly tip someone off that might work with me that browses this sub. At this point, I am not even sure if I will make it to my “planned” leave date. My manager has had it out for me ever since I stuck up for a fellow coworker. Basically…

I say this because many of you have been in some awful work environments and figured out ways or solutions to fix those situations.

So here's some info on my situation. I am wanting to know what would be my best option/choice going forward.
I work in the pre-hospital field. I won't go into more details beyond that. We had a co-worker become the department manager as of last yr, and gradually, but steadily, the department has become more stressful and toxic due to this manager.

I was planning on leaving this job this year. Won't say when in order to possibly tip someone off that might work with me that browses this sub.

At this point, I am not even sure if I will make it to my “planned” leave date. My manager has had it out for me ever since I stuck up for a fellow coworker. Basically came to their defense. This manager hated this employee and because I stuck up for them I painted a big damn bullseye on my back.

I am just worried now my manager is trying to get me fired for literally anything just to be spiteful and their actions so far leave me to believe this. This manager has also been bad mouthing me to other employees behind back. Making remarks like; “does he not know how to do this job or what?”

There's no reason a manager should be talking like that to other staff such as my direct coworkers.

No point in going to HR about these issues because so far they have shown a managers words are more truthful then 20+ employees reporting the same issue even with documented evidence.

If I get fired, I just want it to happen in way to where I can still draw unemployment.
The designated “leave date” that I have also corresponds with my future endeavors. So my currently hourly pay rate is making it possible for me to set funds aside to be setup properly for this leave date.

Finding another job just to cover me until I can leave later this year is well…next to impossible. This particular job is the most paying I have had. Other jobs in the same field would come with a significant pay cut.

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