
You just can’t win

I just got turned down for a jobposition. The recruiter couldn't stress enough both before the interview, during, after and whilst calling me with the rejection that I was the most qualifed person for the job. They said the interview went great, that they really liked me and there was nothing I could have done differently. They said that they really wanted to give me the job, but had to give the job to someone else, a person the recruiter knew. Now here is the kicker: In my country public workplaces are legally bound to give the job to the person best qualifed for the position. And the recruiter told me I was most qualifed. And yet that just wasn't enough. You just can't win. Even the law doesn't matter to these recruiters. So what are you going to do? I know i probably dodged a bullet there. Don't want…

I just got turned down for a jobposition. The recruiter couldn't stress enough both before the interview, during, after and whilst calling me with the rejection that I was the most qualifed person for the job. They said the interview went great, that they really liked me and there was nothing I could have done differently. They said that they really wanted to give me the job, but had to give the job to someone else, a person the recruiter knew.

Now here is the kicker: In my country public workplaces are legally bound to give the job to the person best qualifed for the position. And the recruiter told me I was most qualifed. And yet that just wasn't enough. You just can't win. Even the law doesn't matter to these recruiters. So what are you going to do?

I know i probably dodged a bullet there. Don't want to work for people who completely disregard the law. But it still sucks. And I'm angry about it. And I really hate jobhunting. But now I have to keep doing it. So yey for me..

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