
You know it’s bad when you miss your old toxic workplace

So i (19F) worked as a bank teller for a year. it was glorious. i got paid sick and vacation days, good pay, and i got to SIT DOWN. it was a good mix of sitting and walking, so my feet seldom hurt unless we were super busy one day. problem is, my coworkers were all quite a bit older than me (30's-40's) and always wanted to start petty drama like a bunch of fucking middle schoolers. they would make me cry and thought yelling at me and threatening me with termination would motivate me and no matter how hard i worked they almost always found a reason to complain. i tried my honest best, but i'm also in school and it became too much to handle, so i quit for a resturant job it gives me the flexibilty i need for school, even if i have to fucking beg…

So i (19F) worked as a bank teller for a year. it was glorious. i got paid sick and vacation days, good pay, and i got to SIT DOWN. it was a good mix of sitting and walking, so my feet seldom hurt unless we were super busy one day. problem is, my coworkers were all quite a bit older than me (30's-40's) and always wanted to start petty drama like a bunch of fucking middle schoolers.

they would make me cry and thought yelling at me and threatening me with termination would motivate me and no matter how hard i worked they almost always found a reason to complain. i tried my honest best, but i'm also in school and it became too much to handle, so i quit for a resturant job

it gives me the flexibilty i need for school, even if i have to fucking beg my managers to stop scheduling me 6 days a week, and it's good pay for short shifts, but holy fuck. my legs, knees, and back hurt all the time. no paid time off, and if you get sick, you need someone to cover your shift (as if we plan on being sick). it's loud, the customers are godawful, and no breaks unless you work a double. which is unpaid. i was waiting to collect my tips from the register the other night and slumed down in a nearby booth for a second. my manager saw me and said “are you off the clock?” i was shocked. i'm waiting to go home god forbid i want to rest. even my retail jobs in the past had paid breaks sans lunch

if my department is slow my managers pester me to do other shit like bussing and hosting. i refuse because 1. i dont know how to fucking do it and 2. i'm not doing other jobs for the same fucking pay. i've worked retail in the past and it was typical minimum wage bullshit but nothing like this and i miss it. and i miss that fucking bank

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