
You need to rest and get better, take the day off…..psych!

The title pretty much says it. I say all of the following mostly out of anger and despair because up until now (I’ve been there 6 months) this company has been really flexible and good to me. I can squarely place that thanks on my direct supervisor though who is out because she had surgery yesterday. I will clarify that they have let me bring my son to work for days ina row (he is extremely well behaved and I have an office with a door) and I can basically come and go as I please so long as the work gets done each day. Last Tuesday I came back from a long weekend. This is important because I’m certain it added to my guilt and allowed ME to allow this to happen. I came back with Covid. I took a test on the morning. Messaged my supervisor and her…

The title pretty much says it. I say all of the following mostly out of anger and despair because up until now (I’ve been there 6 months) this company has been really flexible and good to me. I can squarely place that thanks on my direct supervisor though who is out because she had surgery yesterday. I will clarify that they have let me bring my son to work for days ina row (he is extremely well behaved and I have an office with a door) and I can basically come and go as I please so long as the work gets done each day.

Last Tuesday I came back from a long weekend. This is important because I’m certain it added to my guilt and allowed ME to allow this to happen. I came back with Covid. I took a test on the morning. Messaged my supervisor and her supervisor. Turns out my sup was working from home with a sick kid so she couldn’t take over my job. I agreed to still work as long as I could work from home. When I went in to pick up the work my bosses boss said “I’m not even sure that’s positive”. And mentioned he’s have to speak with HR. Being the pleaser that I am and feeling like someone was criticizing or didn’t believe me, I went to urgent care the next morning to get an “official” test. No surprise. It was positive.

I worked from home the entire rest of the week except for Friday. I even messaged my bosses boss at one point and told him I was crying in front of my computer and the brain fog and fatigue was probably going to result in a lot of errors. Crickets. My boss was back in office and took over for me on Friday so I did get one day off.

Fast forward to yesterday. I woke up in the morning and while I was expected back in the office I woke up to chills again and sure enough had a fever again. I let admin know and they told me I could work from home again. But still I had to drive in to pick up the work. I ended up needing a nap twice during the work day. Utter misery. I realized this entire time that if I was at my desk I could work done twice as fast and then rest. So I offered to come in today. Within 30 minutes of being there I was told by an admin to go home. It was not a short conversation. I am certain I did not misunderstand what he was saying. When I said “I feel bad. I don’t want the work to be pushed onto someone else” and his response was “don’t worry about it. Go rest. We are a team. We have this. Go get better”…..I took that to mean, take the day off. Am I crazy?

Apparently so because then I got a text from my bosses boss (not the admin) at 3 pm telling me to come get my work for the day.

So here I am. At 4 pm starting work I’d normally start at 1030 am, on a day I thought I was supposed to have off. Because Covid is kicking my ass still. Likely because I haven’t really gotten to rest at all.

Admin and bosses boss are just chalking it. Up to a miscommunication wihour saying who actually miscommunicated.

And yes, I cried when I got the text to come get my work.

And yes my direct supervisor knows everything. She’s pissed too.

It really makes me want to look for a new job but so few jobs will allow me the time to do dentist appts. Ortho appts, school pick up etc.

Everyone is telling me to stand up for myself but we are such a small staff that I feel like anything I do or say is just going to bite me in the ass. But also working 9 days while sick and miserable and being given a glimmer of compassion and then having it snatched away…..makes me want to find a new job. The only thing keeping me from giving my notice is my awesome direct sup(because it would screw her over) and the issue with school pick up.

I also recognize that this is somewhat my own fault.

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